Rural Housing Enablers (RHE) work with and on behalf of rural communities across Wales to address the shortage of affordable homes. The work involves identifying the local need for housing and searching for development opportunities or empty properties to bring back into use. This work is carried out in partnership with the local community, as well as other interested parties.
Working with community councils – to look at what the housing needs are in the area and identify how individuals can be helped. What you as a community think is required for the local area. The Rural Housing Enabler will work with you to look at what the current and future need is in the community.
There are a number of different schemes that the Welsh Government fund, such as Rent to Own; Shared Ownership; Homebuy; and Help to Buy.
Property and land developers
Property and Land Developers – what land may be available to develop in certain areas and consider what can be developed. Do you have land that falls into the Local Development Plan for the village/community or is on the border. Contact the RHE for more information.
For more information about how a Rural Housing Enabler can help you for your project in Wales contact Keith Henson at:
01570 424 318 / 07805 124 414
Book a one-to-one
As part of the Rural Housing Summit EXPO you can book a 15 minute one-to-one session with a Rural Housing Enabler in Wales to find out how they can help you with your project.
The Rural Housing Summit is brought to you by Rural Housing Scotland
with support from UN-Habitat and sponsorship from Ecology Building Society.