Rural Housing Scotland is a national charity which supports community action on rural housing issues, helping develop community led housing initiatives and campaigning to secure more affordable housing in rural Scotland. We undertake a range of activities including:
- Working with communities to tackle their housing challenges at all stages
- Help communities secure funding for affordable housing from the Rural & Islands Housing Fund and other sources
- Help communities to find land for affordable housing and support applications to the Scottish Land Fund
- Investigate new ideas such as mutual home ownership coops
- Support communities to drive the change that they need and offer advice
- Ensuring rural communities’ voices are heard nationally
- Develop new ideas to solve rural housing issues
- Campaign for a fair share of investment in rural Scotland
- Help ensure land reform secures land for housing
- Promote the role of housing in rural regeneration
- Provide a link between the most remote communities and all levels of government
- Organise Scotland’s leading Rural Housing Conference
If you have a housing project that you would like to speak to us about, please contact