Rural Voices

During the Rural Housing Summit 2021 we released a series of Rural Voices videos offering personal perspectives from people experiencing rural housing need, and those working to tackle the rural housing crisis in their own areas. Real people and real communities are at the heart of what we do and we believe their voices should be central to policy, practical support and solutions when it comes to tackling the rural housing crisis.

Better rural housing for my community

People in rural communities across Scotland were asked the question ‘what would better rural housing mean for your community?’ Their answers reveal aspirations for sustainable homes, options for home ownership, repopulation, cross-generational support, and the security to allow their communities to grow and thrive. Filmed Dec 2020/Jan 2021

Better rural housing for me

Individuals from across rural Scotland tell us what better rural housing would mean to them and the impact it would have on their lives – from housing choice and sustainable homes, to balanced age profiles and tackling homelessness. Filmed Dec 2020/Jan 2021

Jura: Housing instability

The lack of adequate housing on Jura was a key element in Kirsten’s parents decision to move away from the island when she was a child and, as an adult, she once again experienced this pressure, ending up on the homeless register when the house she was living in was turned into a holiday home. Here Kirsten discusses the impact the lack of housing security has on individuals and communities. Filmed December 2020.

South Ronaldsay: Cohousing

Jenny tells us about how she and others in her community have created Hope Cohousing – a cohousing project which will allow older people in St Margaret’s Hope to stay at the heart of their community in warm, energy efficient, accessible and affordable housing as part of an intentional community. Filmed January 2021.

Canna: Building capacity on a tiny island

Fiona describes how the lack of housing in her community affects her choices as an individual and the community as a whole, and explains how residents are working with the island’s owner to develop three new affordable homes on the island. Filmed January 2021.

Arisaig: Primary homes

Pamela tells us about developing a community-led housing project from scratch in Arisaig and discusses the need for housing to be retained as primary homes in rural areas to allow communities to address immediate and future housing need. Filmed January 2021.

Appelcross: Homes for all ages

Roslyn explains the housing issues faced by her community of 250 people, including the popularity of holiday homes and lack of suitable housing for older residents, before going on to outline the community-led housing project being developed by Applecross Community Company. Filmed January 2021

Lismore: Lack of long-term housing

Sarah explains how her self-build project using international helpers introduced new people to the island, many of whom wanted to stay but could not find long term housing. Julia welcomes us to the 8sqm caravan which has been her main home on Lismore for 5 years and talks about the challenges faced and hopes for community-led housing on the island. Filmed January 2021