Connecting with People | Doing the Groundwork | Making it Happen | And Forever After
The impetus behind communities seeking to develop affordable housing in their area is often a recognition that there are many people with housing needs living there. Housing needs come in many different forms including people living in caravans, living c/o family and friends, living in housing which is unsuitable for them due to disability or size, or living in insecure accommodation. Sometimes it results in people having to move away from the area to get housing and commute back to their jobs.
If you have concerns about housing need in your community its a good idea to make contact with your local council and local housing association to find out whether they know about the housing problems locally and have any plans to develop affordable housing in your community. It is also a good idea to let them know you are concerned about housing in your community and would like their help to take action to solve housing problems.
Is there a need for affordable housing in the community?
Is there support from the local council and wider community for a development?
Are people well informed about what affordable housing can entail?
Are there one or two enthusiasts who have the time and energy to push the project forward?
What spin off benefits would additional affordable housing have for the school, for local shops and businesses?
How have other communities succeeded in delivering affordable housing?
Is it an idea to visit completed schemes in other communities?
Is there contact with organisations who can help?
In Practice
Invite the local council, housing association and Rural Housing Scotland to a meeting to discuss affordable housing and decide what the next step is:
public meeting about housing
housing needs survey
find potential land and sites by walking through the community
if more information is needed, discuss how this will be provided