
Achnamara is a village located on Loch Sween in Knapdale, Argyll. The village was built in the 1950’s to provide housing for forestry workers. The houses were prefabricated timber kit homes imported from Sweden after the war.

We are currently working with the Achnamara Village Hall Committee to investigate the potential for community led housing in the village of Achnamara.  Local consultation undertaken by the community demonstrated the lack of new affordable housing as a key issue for the area with concerns: that young people were being priced out of the local market; the growing number of holiday homes; and the increasing elderly population in the village. The community consultation also highlighted a drive for any new housing to be within community control.

The provision of community housing is part of a larger vision for the community purchase and use of the forestry land surrounding the village.

Rural Housing Scotland, alongside Oliver Chapman Architects and Hazel Allen, are undertaking a study to ascertain the feasibility of constructing four community owned homes and developing two self-build plots on a site to the south of the village.

The study will guide a potential application to the Scottish Government’s Rural Housing Fund.