Our newest team member and recent graduate, Kirsty Glover, tells us about her passion for rural issues which led to her dissertation comparing rural depopulation in northern Spain and the Scottish Highlands. As a resident of Applecross, Kirsty also shares her thoughts on what better rural housing would mean to communities like hers and explorescontinue reading
repopulation Archives
Fragile areas need Big Government | Alasdair Stephen
Derek Logie’s recent blog – Post COVID rural Scotland needs a post war style ‘blood transfusion’ – picked up on points made by architect Alasdair Stephen in a piece in the West Highland Free Press in 2016 and speech Alasdair made to the Rural Housing Scotland conference in 2017. With Alasdair’s permission the WHFP piececontinue reading
Post-COVID rural Scotland needs a post-war style ‘blood transfusion’
“The Highlands have been subject to steady de-population for the last half-century and have been treated like a dying patient to whom people have been handing out hot gruel, etc., with the patient merely grumbling and growling as it went into a decline… The one urgent thing is to stop any further migration. In additioncontinue reading